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12 kr | 100 i lager |
- Informasjon
- One platform for every mission-critical application
- On-demand for instant access to data
- App-aware resiliency for 100% availability guaranteed
- Predictive acceleration to safely consolidate at scale
HPE Primera delivers an on-demand experience that gives you the agility of the cloud. Deploy, manage, and scale your storage in 93% less time with a platform that sets up in minutes, tunes itself, and upgrades transparently without any hassle. The HPE Primera OS brings advanced data services with radical simplicity to your mission-critical apps. Unlike traditional storage platforms that are weighed down by a monolithic OS and force forklift upgrades for new features, this services-centric OS is developed to help minimize risk and be transparent to applications. Installs and upgrades are so easy they may be done by only you in minutes for faster access to new innovation. Additionally, HPE Primera with HPE GreenLake grow with your business needs. Fulfill your IT needs with elastic consumption and scale delivered as a service and pay as you go.
- Spesifikasjon
- Nedlastbare filer
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